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BY Anthony Accomazzo
8 min read
Design patterns for extracting from REST APIs

Most integrations rely on an extraction process. But REST APIs don't make extraction easy. Follow these design patterns to avoid common pitfalls....

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BY Anthony Accomazzo
6 min read
NATS: First impressions

NATS has a ton of great features. From pub/sub to JetStream, here's our team's takeaways after spending some time with NATS....

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BY Eric Goldman
3 min read
Launch Week: Wrap Up

We just launched new sources, an improved developer experience, partnerships, and Sequin Events. Get a wrap up of everything we shipped....

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BY Anthony Accomazzo
7 min read
What was that commit? Searching GitHub with OpenAI embeddings

Embeddings let you search, cluster, and categorize GitHub data in a whole new way. One thing you can build is an advanced search tool across all your org's Pull Requests, Issues, etc....

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BY Anthony Accomazzo
2 min read
Sequin Events Alpha

We’re announcing the alpha for one of our most requested features: events! You can now subscribe to events on the sources we sync using Kafka and Webhooks....

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BY Eric Goldman
2 min read
Quality of life: Schemas, migrations, and app building

Today, we’re announcing new features to help you manage your schema, work with migrations, and build apps on the best app-building platforms....

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BY Randy Coulman
2 min read
GitHub syncing to a DB near you

We’re excited to announce support for one of our most requested sources: GitHub! Use your database to read from and write to your repositories, PRs, and issues....

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BY Carter Pedersen
2 min read
Stripe GA: Bring your billing tables back

Announcing that Stripe is now available as a new source in Sequin! You can spin up a Stripe sync today and start building apps with your customer, product, invoice, and subscription tables in your database....

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BY Anthony Accomazzo
9 min read
Storing Salesforce embeddings with pgvector and OpenAI

Use OpenAI to generate embeddings for your Salesforce objects and store them in Postgres. Then, you can easily build powerful search and clustering tools on top of your Salesforce data....

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BY Anthony Accomazzo
8 min read
All the ways to capture changes in Postgres

Working with data at rest is where Postgres shines. But what about when you need data in motion? What about when you need to trigger a workflow based on changes to a table? Fortunately, Postgres comes with a lot of options to make this happen....

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BY Anthony Accomazzo
10 min read
Building a Postgres proxy to write back to APIs

We knew building a database proxy would be hard. We wanted to find *any* other way to achieve our mission. But alas, after looking at all the options, only one solution remained standing. Here, I share our journey to the inescapable conclusion....

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BY Sophie Becker | Bold Tech
14 min read
How to Build Powerful Sales Apps in Retool: Unleash your Salesforce Data with Sequin

A step-by-step process of how to leverage Retool and Sequin to build a tailored app that enriches Salesforce data with ease....

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BY Randy Coulman
6 min read
GenServer.reply: Don't Call Us, We'll Call You

Let's look at how we can use `:noreply` and `GenServer.reply` to allow a GenServer to continue working even while its `call`ers wait for the result of long-running operations....

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BY Anthony Accomazzo
3 min read
Announcing SQL writes: Write data back to APIs using SQL in your database, synchronously

We’re Sequin. We stream data from services like Salesforce, Stripe, and AWS to messaging systems like Kafka and databases like Postgres. It’s the fastest way to build high-performance integrations you don’t need to worry about. 💡Update: SQL writes was a neat feature, and we learned a lot....

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BY Anthony Accomazzo
13 min read
How we built our sync on HubSpot's API

At any scale, integrating with HubSpot becomes a syncing problem. Here's how to build a sync between HubSpot and your database....

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BY Randy Coulman
9 min read
Between the Ctrl-C's

An outline of the options available in the Elixir BREAK menu....

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BY Anthony Accomazzo
5 min read
Finding and fixing eventual consistency with Stripe events

Stripe events can be out of order. Here's how we use cursor logic to keep everything consistent....

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BY Eric Goldman
10 min read
How to sync HubSpot to Postgres

How to set up a sync between HubSpot and Postgres so you can integrate faster....

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BY Eric Goldman
2 min read
Announcing rate limit controls

Hitting the rate limit with your integration? Sequin now gives you simple tools to manage your rate limit. Never worry about the rate limit again....

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BY Dave Nguyen
5 min read
Pulling past the limits of Salesforce's /updated endpoint

Learn how we use the Salesforce APIs to reliably retrieve every change in your CRM....

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BY Lukas Schwab
4 min read
Stripe metered billing, simplified

You don't just set and forget metered billing; you repeatedly report per-customer usage to Stripe. We're using our own product to make that simpler....

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BY Anthony Accomazzo
10 min read
We used Elixir's Observer to hunt down bottlenecks

We’re Sequin. We stream data from services like Salesforce, Stripe, and AWS to messaging systems like Kafka and databases like Postgres. It’s the fastest way to build high-performance integrations you don’t need to worry about. We're built on Elixir - and love it. We recently...

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BY Anthony Accomazzo
8 min read
How to make it easy to detect changes in your API

Do you make it easy for consumers to find out what's changed in your API?...

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BY Lukas Schwab
8 min read
What to do without HubSpot Webhooks

HubSpot's just doesn't offer enough Webhooks. What should you do?...

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BY Eric Goldman
10 min read
The Complete Developer's Guide to Airtable Part 3: Interfaces

We'll explore when to use an interface versus a script or custom Airtable App. We'll also walk through a practical use case to give you a sense of the build experience and functionality....

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BY Eric Goldman
3 min read
How We Use Our Stripe Sync

How we're using our own Stripe sync to monitor subscription status....

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BY Eric Goldman
4 min read
SQL queries for calculating Stripe MRR

How to calculate your MRR on Stripe using SQL....

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BY Eric Goldman
7 min read
Managing Stripe as a source of truth

How to manage Stripe application data while keeping Stripe as the source of truth....

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BY Anthony Accomazzo
6 min read
Give me /events, not webhooks

Webhooks come with some challenges. We prefer polling an /events endpoint instead when possible....

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BY Anthony Accomazzo
6 min read
Syncing Stripe to Postgres

At Sequin, we replicate APIs to Postgres databases in real-time. We want to provide our customers with the experience of having direct, row-level access to their data from third-party platforms, like Stripe and Airtable....

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BY Anthony Accomazzo
8 min read
Our Airtable sync process, layer by layer

At Sequin, we replicate APIs to Postgres databases in real-time. We want to provide our customers with the experience of having direct, row-level access to their data from third-party platforms, like Stripe and Airtable. After the concept of Sequin crystallized, we knew we had to get something to market quickly....

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BY Anthony Accomazzo
7 min read
Stripe on Sequin: Replicate Stripe to Postgres in real-time

Now you can get a replica Postgres database with all your Stripe data, synced in real-time. It’s like having row-level access to your data in stripe_prod....

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BY Anthony Accomazzo
5 min read
Benchmarking Airtable API performance

I wanted to get to the bottom of what caused writes to slow down so significantly....

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BY Eric Goldman
7 min read
Prototyping apps on Airtable: Best practices

The first iteration of most software is a prototype. The purpose of a prototype is to validate a hypothesis or learn more about a market. Because a prototype is likely to undergo radical changes or total abandonment in face of the information it uncovers, the faster you can generate a...

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BY Eric Goldman
7 min read
The Complete Developer's Guide to Airtable Part 2: Webhooks

An update to the developer's guide to include Airtable's new Webhook triggers in automations....

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BY Eric Goldman
27 min read
The Complete Developer's Guide to Airtable

A deep dive into all the ways to build on Airtable....

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BY Anthony Accomazzo
8 min read
What is RDS Proxy? Exploring with benchmarks

I was surprised when a customer wrote in to explain that he noticed - for simple SQL queries - the Airtable API was about as performant as querying his Sequin-provisioned Airtable database. We'd expect a database query to be at least an order of magnitude faster than an...

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BY Eric Goldman
8 min read
How to go further with Airtable using Postgres Arrays

In this guide, you'll unlock your Airtable data with some killer PostgreSQL methods....

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